Fresh Retro Juice

retro gaming

17 Of The Best Retro Arcade Games

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The golden age of retro arcade games is somewhat debatable but what can be agreed, is that it exploded into the mainstream from the lates 70s and early 80s with popular iconic games like Pong, Space Invaders and Asteroids. The rise in retro video games soon began to leak into popular culture with cartoons, songs and cult classic 80s movies like Tron and The Last Starfighter. Here are 17 of the best arcade games that would leave a lot of retro gamers with a warm fuzzy glow!

Retro Subscription Boxes

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The phenomenon of subscription boxes is not new. Whether you’re into beauty products, a foodie, t-shirt fanatic, obscure anime enthusiast or love your role-playing games like Dungeons & Dragons, then you will be able to throw your fun tokens at regular subscription boxes delivered to your front door!

Why Is Retro Gaming So Popular : The Science Behind The Fun


Playing video games that date back to the 1980s and 1990s is not just an aimless meander down memory lane for those who are hiding from the 21st Century. (well… ok… sometimes this is true!) It’s more about the nostalgic feels that makes us warm and fuzzy as we indulge in our whimsical childhood memories. Memories of button bashing the hell out of Street Fighter or advancing through levels of Sonic resonates with the adult version of you.

Retro Gamers Buying Guide For Beginners 2019


The accessibility to retro gaming has never been easier but I understand that deciding to invest in this hobby can be slightly overwhelming with so many options and opinions. Plus, there’s the eye candy distractions of gaming rooms like these, where you convince yourself that you need immediately!

The N Word Project : Nostalgia Marketing


Remember those wistful hours spent playing your favourite video game? Well advertising companies are essentially punching children of the 80s in the feels, so we empty our wallets... and it's working! With releases of classic game consoles like the SNES Mini and other retro gaming emulators that offer you a gazillion video games, the strong stench of a yesteryear is here, and the world of advertising is cashing in.

5 Of The Best Gaming Chairs Every Retro Gamer Needs

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After approximately 20 minutes of using a stolen chain as a weapon on a police officer (in the game. Obviously!) my ass went numb. I recognised then that I owed my retro gaming antics more. I owed my consoles and games the respect they deserve with my undivided attention… and that means to be sat on a chair that doesn’t ruin my butt cheeks in mere moments!

The N Word : The Nostalgia Project


Nostalgia can be anything from a smell, to a touch to an event in one’s past. It can also be stumbling into your parent’s garage and finding forgotten bottles of Archers peach schnapps and Malibu rum that instantly throws you back to being a teenager... sleeping in fields with vomit in your hair!

5 Thoughts About The SNES Classic Mini


I unpacked the console and immediately Forest Gumped my way to setting it up without instructions… because instructions are for the weak! I then executed the sitting lotus position on the floor mere centimetres away from the telly and then proceeded to gush out loud.